Smith Point Archery Shooting Team Info
Allie and Sydney at Mass State Indoor

Allie and Sydney at Mass State Indoor

Elite Team Shirt

Elite Team Shirt

Ashton takes aim at Nationals

Ashton takes aim at Nationals

Shooting team currently on pause. 

Smith Point Shooting Team

Smith Point Archery is proud to announce the Smith Point Shooting Team. Archery competition can be a fun and exciting way to take archery a step further. Anyone can join the shooting team and start earning  points that can lead to bow, arrow, or other sponsorship opportunities and prizes. Shooting Team archers will represent Smith Point Archery at various archery competitions from the local to National level. Archers start on the Shooting Team or JOAD Team, and can work towards earning a placement on the Elite Shooting Team, the best Smith Point has to offer.


Smith Point Elite Shooting Team- Sponsored

The Smith Point Archery Elite Shooting Team is the best Smith Point has to offer. The Elite Team, currently sponsored by Smith Point Archery, Hoyt, and Easton is a product of Head Coach Jared Schneider. To make the Elite Team, archers must be among the best in their divisions. They should have several state level tournament wins or higher to be considered. Once the Elite Team is made, an archer becomes eligible for sponsorships by the team sponsors. Individual sponsorships must be approved by the Head coach, Hoyt, and Easton. Elite Team members must be of the highest moral standards and ethics. The Elite team is made up of archers who are ambassadors to the sport and who will make the team sponsors proud to be part of the team.